Monday, 28 September 2009
Free Programs To Help With Blogs And Websites Promoting Them And Improveing Page Rank
Hi the other day i did a post Free Back Link Builder. The post proved very popular judging by the clicks the link to the site received. As did some other posts with links for adding your blogs or work from home sites to the search engines indexes. Again from the clicks on the links on them.
I Am thinking this is because the links to the sites and indexes are not affiliate or referral links. They are just free programs and links. The links are to help with getting Blog and sites indexed and improve page rank. Totally free nothing to pay or lose. They are just there to help you and me with or efforts to get more traffic and improving page rank. This can only be a good thing i am thinking.
So i am going to look for more of these sites and links. When i find more i will do a post on them. I will try to find sites where you don't have to be a referral or an affiliate program. Just sites that help with promoting your Blogs and websites and increasing page rank. As they seem to be very popular with my readers.
Other Posts You May Like
Free Back Link Builder
Add Your Sites To The Search Engines
Add Your Site Or Blog To Google Index
Saturday, 26 September 2009
Free Back Link Builder
I found a back link builder programme the other day that looks really promising. IBL Builder has a free option. This is ideal for somebody just starting out. So i joined to give it a try. Opening an account is pretty simple. Normal sign up process. Then add your site details and url. Wait a short time for them to check and verify your Blog or website. That's about it for the sign up.
Then you create a zone that goes into the directory. I think you can make as many of these as you like. you can then Search the directory for links. for every out bound link you display on your site. you get one point. each point you can request an inbound link back.
The links you get to choose where they come from. So it is completely controlled by you you pick what sites you want linking to your site. This means you can build all relevant links. Helping your page rank with the search engines. This is not a referral or affiliate program or link so i don't get anything out of this. Give it a try its free and only takes a very short time. IBL Builder
Thursday, 24 September 2009
Get More Twitter Viewers For Your Blogs And Websites
Hi yesterday i installed the TweetMeme plug in on my blog. What it dose is give your readers a quick and easy opportunity to tweet your posts. I installed it on all my posts on my blog. In just the short time it has been installed my Twitter following has grown quicker than usual as has visitors from twitter. by quite allot in the past 24 hours.
The plug in works very simply by tweeting whatever page it is attached to. On your Blog simply attach it in the body of your post At the top or bottom witch you prefer. As each post basically has its own url you can then tweet the post yourself. And your readers can to. Its very quick and easy to install. A simple copy and paste of a little bit of code.
Simple go to the TweetMeme website. Log in with your Twitter user name.At the bottom of the page click on plug ins. I used the web button it was quick easy and painless to install. As i said my visits from twitter have grown as have my followers This is a very good plug in and seems to be working quite well.
Tuesday, 22 September 2009
Add Your Websites And Blogs To The Search Engines
Adding your work from home Blogs and websites is most important. Getting listed in search engines can and probably will increase your traffic. When adding your sites this should always be done manually. Tedious i know. But most search engines don't like sites added by robots.
If you are going to use a company paid or free for adding your work from home sites and Blogs. Make sure they add your site manually. If you use a programme or site that adds to lots off different search engines. This is a very good way of getting your website and or Blog blacklisted. You see the search engines and not just the major ones like google and yahoo see sites added by robots as being not real kind of like scam sites not owned and looked after by real people.
I found this out myself not to long ago. So now i always add my Blogs and websites personally yes it takes time but it is worth it in the end. Bellow i have put together a few that you can manually add your blogs or sites some need registration and some have a paid option for guaranteed listings in the search. I will leave that up to you.
Add Your Blogs And Websites To The Search Engines Index Here
No. | Name Search Engine | No. | Name Search Engine |
1 | Yahoo! Search | 26 | WebbieWorld |
2 | 27 | Arakne Links | |
3 | Live Search | 28 | Link Centre |
4 | Wikia Search | 29 | Pedsters Planet |
5 | Open Directory | 30 | SonicRun |
6 | Cuil | 31 | Anaximander |
7 | Exalead | 32 | Info Tiger |
8 | MavicaNet | 33 | Dramba |
9 | GigaBlast | 34 | Zeezo |
10 | ScrubTheWeb | 35 | Thales Directory |
11 | What U Seek | 36 | Directory Storm |
12 | World Site Index | 37 | A1 Web Directory |
13 | BusinessSeek | 38 | Burf |
14 | ExactSeek | 39 | NetInsert |
15 | EntireWeb | 40 | Web Linker |
16 | SearchMe | 41 | Finest 4 |
17 | IllumiRate | 42 | Cipinet |
18 | 01WebDirectory | 43 | Klottra |
19 | Amfibi | 44 | My Directory Live |
20 | Wikidweb | 45 | FreshTV |
21 | SearchSight | 46 | ABD |
22 | AMRAY | 47 | SEagency |
23 | Info Listings | 48 | Nonar |
24 | Domaining | 49 | The Living Link |
25 | Amidalla | 50 | Clickey |
Saturday, 19 September 2009
Keeping A Eye On Your Traffic Rank
Today i took a look at my traffic rank with Alexa. This is a really good way to see how your work from home sites and blogs are doing. Here Are my stats by country. I am really pleased with my results so far.
- 1,721
- 3,743
- 5,462
- 15,879
- 16,357
- 16,902
- 21,437
- 29,417
- 38,707
- 55,068
- 62,154
- 72,462
United States
- 96,529
United Kingdom
- 338,108
Friday, 18 September 2009
Run Out Of Things To Write On Your Blog And Websites
OK you have got your Blog or website up and running. But now you are running out of fresh content to add. Or maybe your a little stuck for ideas of what to write next. What do you do?
Well i visit Blogs article directory's ezines anywhere on my chosen niche. Theirs millions out there. It can be any subject work from home how to play the piano anything what ever niche you have chosen to write about.
Then i pick a popular post. one with loads of views. Then i read it again some people copy it to word. After i have read the article tow maybe three times. With the article still fresh in my mind. I then write the article myself. This way its very similar to the article i read but at the same time different as its in my own words.
You can of coarse just copy the article. But i advise you not to as this is illegal And if by chance the original writer sees said article He or She could sue. If you want to copy at least get permission first.
Plus google and other search engines love original content. I only do this on days when i am stuck for ideas of what to write everybody gets them.
Wednesday, 16 September 2009
A Few Of My Traffic Sources For Work From Home Programs
OK i will start with The Free Traffic System. This program i am finding is working really really well for me.This is not a traffic exchange. This program delivers free One Way Backlinks for articles you write for other Bloggers and Work From Home website owners to post on there Blogs and sites. up to 120 per article you like. You also get Free Backlinks one way again from articles your referrals post onto the site. I have received over 100 just from my referrals already. a really useful tool. Like i say Free most other similar programs charge for these types of Back links.
Vinefire has been offline for the last few days with site maintenance. Now its back and its still an amazing source of traffic leads and sign ups for all your work from home programs. it real takes some beating. Just the traffic it can deliver alone is pretty fantastic. for just a simple text add the url then add your link to the site. You can add a link every 60 seconds. I will not go into the money side of the program here as i use vinefire purely for the traffic. this side of the program takes some beating.
Live Link Cafe is very similar to Vinefire in fact the home page looks almost identical. The main difference here is you have to view links to add your own. View 10 links to add one of your own links. Same again as many as you like. There is no limit. Now this is a very new exchange. so the traffic as yet is not relay high but i have noticed it growing steadily over the past two weeks. so the membership is growing pretty fast This again is completely free so with any of these three programmes there is nothing to lose.
Tuesday, 15 September 2009
How Quickly Things Change In Work From Home
Hi all i have not had allot of time to work on my blog over the last few days. I have been very busy helping a friend with some new central heating. The job i used to do. Any way as i was helping my friend. I noticed quite a few changes in the industry Bering in mind it has only been a few short months since i left said industry but there has been allot of changes. Anyway it got me thinking today. I have had no time with my computer and my work from home programs and my blogs.
But in just a few days there has been changes. I have noticed vinefire has stoped working. If anybody knows why could you please leave a comment and let me know. It would be a pity if it was gone for good as it is quite a good traffic generator. I have also had quite a few people ask me if i am on facebook and twitter as there is no link on my blog. For now i will post a link to both at the end of this post. And start working on a more permanent link for each when i have finished helping my friend and have more time .
I guess what i am saying is the work from home and whole Internet industry moves so fast blink and you will miss the changes. Anyway hear is my Twitter if you want to follow me i will follow back. And my Facebook
Monday, 14 September 2009
New Site For Work From Home Fans
Hi all i was recommended to an new site. Well new to me anyway. It could be ideal for the work from home industry And Blogging community. The site You Say Too is a bit like hub pages and squdioo. Being that you can add content on whatever you like.You don't even need to add content. Unlike hub pages your content will not have to be 450 words or longer. Just as long or as short as you like. I think this cloud be a pretty cool community.
You can also add all your Blogs to the site witch updates every time you update your Blog or Blogs. This could be a good source of new traffic for your blogs. As well as earning extra revenue. So if your blog is updated regularly so will your You Say Too page. You can also add games images just about anything. You can even have your own blog there. There are groups you can join or make your own i think this community will grow fast. Defiantly in the work from home area because of the traffic and earning potential.
The earning comes Google AdSense or Amazon adds now these are your own AdSense or Amazon adds if you don't have an AdSense account they will walk you through it. AdSense is free to join as is becoming an Amazon affiliate. So the more your profile or You Say Too page is viewed the more your adds are clicked the money goes straight to your AdSense account. Why not give it a try its free so there is nothing to lose. As i say it could be really good for the work from home and Blogging community's
Saturday, 12 September 2009
My Alexa Rank
This was a post i did a few days ago that i had to redo due to duplicate url issues sorry.
My Alexa traffic rank for this work from home blog is now 187,145 when Alexa updates and going down all the time or up which ever way you look at it.Now i have seen people offering back links for money with smiler Alexa traffic ranks.That's not something i want to do
What i am offering is an exchange of links free. If you place a link to this blog on your blog or website then email me at with a link to your site and telling me where the link to my site is placed. Once i have verified the link i will place a link on this blog to your site maybe even in one of my posts.These are seen a valuable links by google and technorati to increasing your page rank.
This i think could be beneficial to both mine and your blog/website plus your link will be seen as i have over 1000 visits a day from various traffic sources.Thanks for reading.
Friday, 11 September 2009
Traffic Exchanges For Work From Home Sites
Today i visited a few traffic exchanges. I visited quite a few that i am already a member of. Just to See if anything has changed. They are still a good stable way of generating traffic. plus with most your work from home sites and blogs are viewd for a good 10 seconds. they are really easy to use.
I keep going back to 2 of my old favorites Traffic Splash and Start Xchange I have always found these two reliable. Both are very smiler in look and and offer a good surf ratio.
Aside from the traffic they generate they are a good way to see the new and popular work from home programs out there.With 10 seconds to look at each site you can get a good idea of what theyspared out slowly not in one lump. So you get lots of new viewers. the tow i have mentioned also have a reputation for being very safe Each site is checked before it is added to the system so there are very few pop up sites and attack sites. there are literally thousands of exchange sites out there which are your favorites. are about. The traffic you earn by clicking is
Thursday, 10 September 2009
Fresh content Is Key For Your Work From Home Sites And Blogs
Fresh content is Paramount to help improve your work from home programs and blogs. Any programs or blogs for that matter. The search engines love fresh content If its a blog you are running try to aim for adding content everyday. So the search engine bots get used to crawl your sites or blogs more each day. You will soon notice your website or blog being found more so you get more search traffic even if your site is not very high ranking.
If you are like me you often run out of things to add to your site or blog. When i do i take a bit of time to check out other blogs and websites. I have a read to see what other people are writing about. And what they are adding. See what is hot and whats not. This normally gives me some idea of what to write about. Thanks to all the grate blogs and sites out there. I have noticed my blog being found in the search allot since i have been updating every day. So fresh content is key. If any of you have ideas for fresh content i would love to hear them
Wednesday, 9 September 2009
Traffic For Work From Home Sites And Blogs
Hi Getting traffic for your work from home website or blog can be hard and time consuming at times. Today i found a new program like TNF and Vinefire. Live Link Cafe is a pretty new program it looks allot like TNF before they put all the restrictions and updates in place. some have been good some bad. with Live Link Cafe you view ten links for every 10 links you get one to post. so no points to earn no fake money in a virtual account that they say you get when they sell the site like some others. They don't promise you anything except you view 10 links you get to post one link.
I like simple traffic programs like this they are quick and easy to understand. Upon sign up you get 10 links to post straight away you just add a title add the url that's it. No captcha which i know allot of people like. You get 3 links for every referral no money. But that's OK this program is all about traffic and getting it. its totally free. BUT as always you purchase sponsored links. So if you want free traffic quick and easy for your work from home websites or Blogs try Live Link Cafe.
Tuesday, 8 September 2009
Looking After Your Work At Home Website/Blog
OK so you have your work from home website or blog up and running what next. Now you have to look after it treat it like a small child. Just like a child it cannot do anything its self .You have to do everything yourself. Fresh content is one of the biggies. Try to add Fresh content and original as much as you can more so for Blogs. If you have a blog and you are not going to update regally let your readers and followers know. You can do this with a post template in your editor.That way it will appear in every post.
Next is getting your work at home website or blog out there getting it noticed. Again like a small child it wont go out alone it needs help. So you need traffic theirs literally thousands of ways you can direct traffic to you new baby.Obviously you cant use them all but simple text add traffic exchanges are pretty good for one. Add your work at home website or blog to as many Add and Blog forums as you can. Try doing two or three a day or as many as you feel like. Most are straight forward easy to use programs.The best by far is search engine traffic but this takes time to build up.You can see some of my traffic sources in some of my earlier posts if you want to check them out.
Then there is getting links to your site Back links there are a few paid and free programmes that can help you do this one i use is The Free Traffic System. also try adding articles to high ranking article directory's.These provide heavy weight back links.These to are pretty straight forward to join and start adding articles. Remember to leave your link back to your site or Blog.
Also comment on Blogs and sites try to leave comments a few sentences long relevant to the topic of the post or information you are commenting on.These are viewed much better by the search engines like Google. Remember to leave a link to your site. Also check your website and or Blog regularly for spam comments these can hurt your site. Comments that are not on topic or something like nice blog and a link or several links.These kind of comments will not do your Website/blog any good Delete these comments regularly. These tips work for all websites and Blogs. Not just work from home sites and Blogs remember look after your small child and watch it grow.
Monday, 7 September 2009
Verify Your Work At Home Websites And Blogs With Google
Verify your work from home website or blog with Google Webmaster tools. This is very important. Don't get me wrong it wont increase your page rank or improve your standings in the search results. But the the stats you get from them tell you things like. What searchers your websites or Blogs appear in. subscribers to you RSS feeds. Inbound and outbound links. Crawl errors such as restricted urls HTTP errors. Even Html errors.
Verifying your site is pretty straight forward. To add and verify a site:
- Sign into Google Webmaster Tools with your Google Account.
- Click Add a site, and type the URL of the site you want to add. Make sure you type the entire URL, such as
- Click Continue. The Site verification page opens.
- (Optional) In the Name box, type a name for your site (for example, My Blog).
- Select the verification method you want.
- Meta tag: We will ask you to add a meta tag with a unique value to your site's home page. This is the easiest solution if editing your home page's HTML is easier than uploading new files. In addition, this solution lets you easily verify sites you've created using Google Sites.
- HTML file: We will ask you to create a file with a specific name and upload it to a specific directory on your webserver. The file can be empty—Google cares only about the file's location, not about its content.
Sunday, 6 September 2009
Adding Your Work From Home Site Blog To Google Index
Hi One of the most common mistakes most newbies make in work from home and and Internet marketing. That's getting your website Blog indexed Google being the most important . The process is really very easy and quick. Simply go to Google add url copy and paste your website address that you want to add into the url box. Write a short description. Then there is a Captcha to fill in click the Add url button and that's it your done. Your site should be indexed in a few days making it vi sable to the google bots to crawl your site so it will appear in Google search. Don't use automatic submitters to submit websites or blogs.This is a good way to get your site blacklisted by the search engines. If you are going to use these go for the paid ones that manually submit your sites and Blogs. As always thanks for taking the time to read i hope this is helpful to you.
Saturday, 5 September 2009
Link Exchange For Work At home Blogs And Sites
A few days ago i wrote a post offering to put a link on my blog for the same type of link from work from home blogs and websites. Or other relevant websites/blogs I offer these links free because i have seen blogs and websites with a similar Alexa rank as mine. Offering links for a fee of around $1 or $2 per link and still expecting a reciprocal link. I don't think this is right we should be helping each other. This is why i offer my links free. Anyway i would just like to thank My Welfare 2 Wealth and My Biz Online for being the first to take me up on my offer. Thanks guys For you to do the same all you have to do is place a link on your website or blog relevant please. Then email me at
Friday, 4 September 2009
Famous Work From home People Search
I joined A well know People Search over a year ago as one of my work from home programs.Its a well known program I remember when i joined the ad was very impressive.Stating how the owner of the program built a 1.2 million dollar home while out of work from profits from the Internet.The other selling point was Earn $125 in 24 hours you must of seen the ads they are everywhere.The program looked relay good so i singed up.
The people search program works in 3 stages.First you sing up to various affiliate programs. GDI read my earlier posts GDI Work From Home. This gets you your own people search website with all affiliate programs in place and several landing pages. The second part which he calls monetise you put google AdSense on the site and other advertising mediums.Everything is automated so its quite easy.Then theirs the third part where you sing up for the owners Own advertising where he will advertise your site for you at $29.99 a month luckily the first month is free unless the price and conditions have changed.
Now the problems i found with the site.To start the google AdSense only appeared on the second page of the site and at the bottom of the Page.So there is little or no chance of any revenue there.Same with the other affiliate programs on the site. it is all designed to get people to sing up for the people search and GDI. The $125 in 24 hours you can not collect until your reach over $200 from people staying in stage 1 2 and 3 of the program for over a month so you are looking at a full month at least before you get any revenue from the program.
Then there is the owners advertising the month i was in his program his advertising sent 3 visits 2 form his own site.So on pay per click advertising that's $10 a click.Then he sent me a one time offer if i paid over $1,600 he would flip the switch on my site earning me 1000's This guy earns thousands a week on the GDI Leader boards but still ants to bleed you for more. So he was purposely holding mine and all the other sites back?The programme is advertised as an ideal work from home opportunity for newbies but its anything but.More for the experienced marketeer.the support i also found to be very hit and miss. I would defiantly give it a miss.But that's my own opinion.
Wednesday, 2 September 2009
GDI Work From Home
GDI or global domains international used to be the work from home program of choice for Meany affiliate marketers.I myself used to make quite a bit not enough to live on but it was OK but i think its getting a bit to hard now for all save a few. the problem with GDI is they stick to the old ways of selling. with affiliates having to cold call customers and send out DVDs and the like.
I used to get quite a few sing ups at one time and had quite an healthy down line.The problem is getting these to stay with the program. It dose not take long for your sing ups to realize its a pretty hard way to make any money. so hence they leave the best way of making with GDI is the weekly and monthly leader Bord's the problem is you have to buy the DVDs to hand out before you get on it no matter how Meany sing ups you have.they offer huge bonuses on the leader Bord.This is where the super affiliates make the big bucks.
The main problem i think is the product for one as $10 a month is vastly over priced for a domain name and web hosting.There are much cheaper and maybe even better solutions out there some even free.Granted not Meany offer earning potential like GDI but there are a few some with better commissions.Maybe i will go into that in a later post.I am still in GDI but i wont show the link. These are just some of my personnel thoughts i joined with a well known people search program.Maybe i will go in to that to Sum up GDI is not for the faint hearted But more for experienced marketeers
Tuesday, 1 September 2009
Paid Surveys Are They Scams?
Hi today i am talking about paid survey sites and are they scams. In my experience most are.They are normally cleverly worded so as to look legit but to actually get money out of them is near to if not imposable.You have to be very careful with these as i found to my own dismay not to long ago.They are normally aimed at newbies looking for easy work from home money but provide anything but.
Right steer clear of any that offer points for surveys. these are one of the worst when you amass your points for surveys completed. Witch normally need some kind of tricky verification. Then these points are mostly swapped for prizes or entry's in to prize draws never cash.Chances of winning these free draws if they are legit are about the same as wining the lottery if not higher.
Then there is the the ones to fill out a survey but to complete the survey you have to sign up to a paid site normally a gambling site.Then again a difficult process of proving you joined said site.Or you must purchase a product to review it all purchases and sing ups must go through the survey they get there commission.So in my experience most are scams if you know any that are not please let me know.
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