
Thursday 18 June 2009

The Xbox 360 fix

Hi all this is not you usual work from home program i bought this guide for fixing the kids 360 about 4 weeks ago as my kids had broken the famous red ring off death strikes again.

The good news is it really works witch makes me really happy
lol. The even better news

is i have found a few ways of making money with it. The first is you can sell it as an affiliate.

But i have found a much better way. You can buy broken 360s from
eBay local ads there for sale everywhere. Then all you do is fix them and resell them again on eBay anywhere you like making
you a killing.Click Here!

The 360 red light fix is very precise with video and pictures to help you all the way. Everything is explained very clearly. You can have your 360 up and running in less than an hour. Its very easy to understand even for an old technophobe like me lol. heck i have only just learnt how to put a video on hear anyway back to the topic. You can also fix other people's 360s for a small fee making more money. Obviously you don't need the 360fix if your Xbox is still covered by warranty.
Learning how to repair your XBox will save you a LOT of Money. Microsoft will not tell you how to fix these errors. They'll ask you to send your system back to them for repair. The typical cost for a repair can be as much as $140 plus shipping and handling. Also - they do not always guarantee a fix!

Use this guide to repair your own XBox 360 - and save your $140 for games.

You can Click Here! to find out more


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